Climate-neutral move

natureOffice logo - green and black with leaves and the slogan "Growth through climate protection"

When it comes to offsetting in voluntary climate protection, the quality of the climate protection certificates used is of primary importance. natureOffice only uses climate protection projects with the Gold Standard. This label stands for strictly audited co-benefits and sustainability of the projects.

Actively contribute to climate protection

Move climate neutrally now with

Optional contribution

Since 2016, we have been offering all our customers the opportunity to make a contribution to climate protection and carry out climate-neutral removals. In cooperation with the climate protectors at natureOffice, we can calculate the CO2 emissions of your individual move and offset them through a certified, regional climate protection project. Among other things, your contribution will support forestry work and forest conservation in a German region of your choice.

Transport compensation

As a freight forwarder, we are aware that the transport and logistics industry is also a major source of climate-damaging CO2 in Germany and are now setting a good example with our commitment and would like to actively involve you as our customers in our climate protection efforts.

A small surcharge for you - a big impact for the environment!


With your small contribution
Promoting CO2 offsetting

Example calculation

What you can do

How does it work?

How it is calculated

The development project: Deutschland Plus

Protection and conservation of German forests in six regions

forest image

Do you need more services?


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Maier Removals Logistics Storage

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Container storage


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